Share a Healthy Lifestyle with Better Sleep.

9 Bad habits before going to bed

Sleep is a necessary part of the body's metabolism and an important part of the body's biological clock. As for sleep, many people have developed many bad habits that they cannot quit. We should understand the effects and consider how to deal with them.

1. Eat too much

Sleep helps slow down fatigue and rest the body organs. Eat too much before bedtime without enough time for digestion will put more stress on the digestive system. It may even lead to the problems such as indigestion, bloating, etc. Meantime the brain gets agitated and it becomes hard to sleep.


The best time for dinner is between 18:30 and 20:00. Do not eat within 1-2 hours before bedtime. If you feel a little hungry, go to bed quickly. If you are really hungry, eat only some green vegetables or easily digestible foods. Please control the amount.

2. Intense emotion

Intense emotions affect our quality of sleep. These emotions include excitement, tension, anger, anger, sadness and other. The intense emotions can easily affect the endocrine, leading to hormone metabolism disorders in the body. Therefore, do not allow external factors affect your emotions before bedtime, and maintain a calm mind to achieve a better quality of sleep.


Do not think much about what you are caring and try to relax. If your mood is still unstable, you can use methods like positive meditation to control emotions in your brain.

3. Cover the blanket on your head

Sleeping with your head covered is not good for the brain. Because during sleep the body's oxygen consumption increases, especially the brain's demand.

Due to the decrease in oxygen and the increase in carbon dioxide with the head covered, there is an lack of oxygen, resulting in poor sleep and nightmares. After waking up, dizzy, weakness, depression and other problems occur.


The head must be uncovered to sleep. Besides, closing the doors and windows before bedtime can calm the room and relax the human body. If the weather is too cold, it is advisable to turn on the air conditioner instead of covering the head.

4. Sleep with wet hair

When the weather gets hotter, many people are too lazy to blow dry their hair after washing it. They prefer to dry the hair naturally. Then it is easy to fall asleep before the hair is dry.

When the hair is not dry before going to bed, the moisture will remain on the surface of the scalp. When the moisture evaporates, it removes heat and results in a lower scalp temperature. This affects blood circulation and possibly reduces upper airflow resistance. At this point, viruses or bacteria can take advantage of the situation. Then it leads to upper respiratory infections, headaches and other cold symptoms.

In addition, wet hair lying on the pillow can easily lead to the proliferation of bacteria.


Schedule your time to wash your hair. Be sure to dry or blow dry your hair before you sleep.

5. Sleep facing each other

Some family members, such as husband and wife, mother and child, often sleep facing each other. Most of the air one person breathes in is the exhaust air of the other person. The brain then lacks fresh oxygen. It is easy to cause insomnia, dreamy, dizzy, depressed and other symptoms.


Make sure at least one person sleeps face up.

6. Play with the phone

Playing with the cell phone before going to bed is the norm for most people. The fact is that the blue light from the phone inhibits the body's melatonin release. This can lead to the illusion that it is still daytime and the brain will always be awake.

And when we play with the phone in a relaxed state, time passes quickly and we miss bedtime very easily.


Do not look at the phone half an hour before bedtime. Instead, you can choose to read a book and some other relaxing activities.

7. Drink to help you sleep better

Some people think that having a drink before bedtime can help you fall sleep. Indeed, a small sip before bedtime can help you fall asleep, but this sleep time is short and it is easy to wake up. After that, it becomes more difficult to fall asleep.

Besides, relying on alcohol to help you sleep will make you more tired and mentally drained when you wake up. Also, alcohol also has a diuretic effect. You have to wake up often, which will affect the quality of sleep even more.


Do not drink alcohol before going to bed, but drink a moderate amount of water or milk, etc.

8. Excess exercise

Some people think that exercise before bedtime makes you tired and makes it easier to fall asleep. But in fact, doing too much exercise before bedtime causes the heart rate to increase, breathing to become faster and body functions to be activated. However, it takes time for the body to settle back down. Plus, exercise can make the mind hyperactive, which only makes it harder to fall asleep.


Do not perform excessive exercise within 3 hours before bedtime, but do massage or simple yoga movements to promote sleep.

9. Go to bed too late

Modern people go to bed later and later because they work a lot, read, watch drama or playing games. Especially teenagers have become accustomed to going to bed too late, and often suffer from headache, stomachache, backache, dizziness, etc. It is also easy to acquire bad habits, such as smoking, drinking and others. In the long run, this will cause harm to human health.


Go to sleep between 10 and 11 o'clock every night. A sleep of about 7 hours a day should be healthier.

If you notice the above "bad habits" in yourself, please try to improve them gradually. Good sleep habits develop slowly and make life happier.

Jan 8, 2022

Share a Healthy Lifestyle with Better Sleep.

9 Bad habits before going to bed

Sleep is a necessary part of the body's metabolism and an important part of the body's biological clock. As for sleep, many people have developed many bad habits that they cannot quit. We should understand the effects and consider how to deal with them.

1. Eat too much

Sleep helps slow down fatigue and rest the body organs. Eat too much before bedtime without enough time for digestion will put more stress on the digestive system. It may even lead to the problems such as indigestion, bloating, etc. Meantime the brain gets agitated and it becomes hard to sleep.


The best time for dinner is between 18:30 and 20:00. Do not eat within 1-2 hours before bedtime. If you feel a little hungry, go to bed quickly. If you are really hungry, eat only some green vegetables or easily digestible foods. Please control the amount.

2. Intense emotion

Intense emotions affect our quality of sleep. These emotions include excitement, tension, anger, anger, sadness and other. The intense emotions can easily affect the endocrine, leading to hormone metabolism disorders in the body. Therefore, do not allow external factors affect your emotions before bedtime, and maintain a calm mind to achieve a better quality of sleep.


Do not think much about what you are caring and try to relax. If your mood is still unstable, you can use methods like positive meditation to control emotions in your brain.

3. Cover the blanket on your head

Sleeping with your head covered is not good for the brain. Because during sleep the body's oxygen consumption increases, especially the brain's demand.

Due to the decrease in oxygen and the increase in carbon dioxide with the head covered, there is an lack of oxygen, resulting in poor sleep and nightmares. After waking up, dizzy, weakness, depression and other problems occur.


The head must be uncovered to sleep. Besides, closing the doors and windows before bedtime can calm the room and relax the human body. If the weather is too cold, it is advisable to turn on the air conditioner instead of covering the head.

4. Sleep with wet hair

When the weather gets hotter, many people are too lazy to blow dry their hair after washing it. They prefer to dry the hair naturally. Then it is easy to fall asleep before the hair is dry.

When the hair is not dry before going to bed, the moisture will remain on the surface of the scalp. When the moisture evaporates, it removes heat and results in a lower scalp temperature. This affects blood circulation and possibly reduces upper airflow resistance. At this point, viruses or bacteria can take advantage of the situation. Then it leads to upper respiratory infections, headaches and other cold symptoms.

In addition, wet hair lying on the pillow can easily lead to the proliferation of bacteria.


Schedule your time to wash your hair. Be sure to dry or blow dry your hair before you sleep.

5. Sleep facing each other

Some family members, such as husband and wife, mother and child, often sleep facing each other. Most of the air one person breathes in is the exhaust air of the other person. The brain then lacks fresh oxygen. It is easy to cause insomnia, dreamy, dizzy, depressed and other symptoms.


Make sure at least one person sleeps face up.

6. Play with the phone

Playing with the cell phone before going to bed is the norm for most people. The fact is that the blue light from the phone inhibits the body's melatonin release. This can lead to the illusion that it is still daytime and the brain will always be awake.

And when we play with the phone in a relaxed state, time passes quickly and we miss bedtime very easily.


Do not look at the phone half an hour before bedtime. Instead, you can choose to read a book and some other relaxing activities.

7. Drink to help you sleep better

Some people think that having a drink before bedtime can help you fall sleep. Indeed, a small sip before bedtime can help you fall asleep, but this sleep time is short and it is easy to wake up. After that, it becomes more difficult to fall asleep.

Besides, relying on alcohol to help you sleep will make you more tired and mentally drained when you wake up. Also, alcohol also has a diuretic effect. You have to wake up often, which will affect the quality of sleep even more.


Do not drink alcohol before going to bed, but drink a moderate amount of water or milk, etc.

8. Excess exercise

Some people think that exercise before bedtime makes you tired and makes it easier to fall asleep. But in fact, doing too much exercise before bedtime causes the heart rate to increase, breathing to become faster and body functions to be activated. However, it takes time for the body to settle back down. Plus, exercise can make the mind hyperactive, which only makes it harder to fall asleep.


Do not perform excessive exercise within 3 hours before bedtime, but do massage or simple yoga movements to promote sleep.

9. Go to bed too late

Modern people go to bed later and later because they work a lot, read, watch drama or playing games. Especially teenagers have become accustomed to going to bed too late, and often suffer from headache, stomachache, backache, dizziness, etc. It is also easy to acquire bad habits, such as smoking, drinking and others. In the long run, this will cause harm to human health.


Go to sleep between 10 and 11 o'clock every night. A sleep of about 7 hours a day should be healthier.

If you notice the above "bad habits" in yourself, please try to improve them gradually. Good sleep habits develop slowly and make life happier.

Jan 8, 2022