Share a Healthy Lifestyle with Better Sleep.

5 types of sleep-promoting fruits

Nowadays, due to insomnia, many people cannot sleep all night, and their poor mental state seriously affects their daily life and work. Many people choose to fight insomnia by taking sleeping pills before going to bed at night. This option carries great risks, and an overdose can even affect life and health.

It is said that eating fruit is very beneficial for our body, and we should get into the habit of eating fruit regularly. So, can eating fruit also help us to relieve and solve the problem of insomnia?

1. Grapes

Grapes contain a substance that can help with sleep - melatonin. Melatonin is a substance secreted by the pineal gland in the brain that helps us fall asleep.

Nighttime is the time when melatonin secretion is excessive. Eating grapes before going to bed can increase the secretion of melatonin, which can help regulate the sleep cycle and improve insomnia.

Another scientific study shows that the melatonin content of grapes is higher after winemaking, which is more conducive to sleep. So, if you're looking for a glass of wine to calm your mood tonight, choose wine!

2. Red jujubes

The calming effects of red jujubes have been confirmed by the Institute of Medicine. The flavonoids (flavonoid-bis-glucoside A) contained in red jujubes have sedative, hypnotic and blood pressure lowering effects. One isolated substance from flavonoids even has an inhibitory effect on the central nervous system. Therefore, jujube has a soothing and calming effect. You can use red jujubes with other ingredients to make a delicious dinner, or use them as a small snack for easy daily consumption.

3. Bananas

Bananas are rich in vitamin B6, the mineral magnesium and amino acids. Vitamin B6 protects people against depression. The mineral magnesium is help fighting tension. and amino acids is essential for human body. These substances together form the main raw material for the body to produce serotonin. Bananas also contain more than 20% sugar, which can effectively improve sleepiness. If you also suffer from insomnia, feel free to eat a banana a day. It can help you relax your body, go out of the depression and go to sleep in a good mood.

4. Apple

Apples are rich in pectin, protein, quinic acid, citric acid, carotene, vitamin B group, vitamin C, potassium, zinc, iron, phosphorus and other elements. In addition, the aromatic components in apples contain 92% alcohols and 6% carbonyl compounds. The rich aroma of apple has a strong calming effect on people's nerves and can promote sleep. If you don't like eating apples, you can also keep some apples in the bedroom. The fragrant scent of apples calms the nerves of the brain, and help you fall asleep as soon as possible.

5. Kiwi

Kiwi is rich in magnesium and vitamin C, which contribute to the formation and transmission of neurotransmitters. It is also rich in calcium, which is rare in other fruits. Its nutritional value is particularly rich! Eating kiwi has a mood-stabilizing and calming effect on the sympathetic nervous system. Eating kiwi can not only supplement calcium, but also stabilize mood. Two kiwis a day can effectively improve sleep quality.

18th Nov, 2022

Share a Healthy Lifestyle with Better Sleep.

5 types of sleep-promoting fruits

Nowadays, due to insomnia, many people cannot sleep all night, and their poor mental state seriously affects their daily life and work. Many people choose to fight insomnia by taking sleeping pills before going to bed at night. This option carries great risks, and an overdose can even affect life and health.

It is said that eating fruit is very beneficial for our body, and we should get into the habit of eating fruit regularly. So, can eating fruit also help us to relieve and solve the problem of insomnia?

1. Grapes

Grapes contain a substance that can help with sleep - melatonin. Melatonin is a substance secreted by the pineal gland in the brain that helps us fall asleep.

Nighttime is the time when melatonin secretion is excessive. Eating grapes before going to bed can increase the secretion of melatonin, which can help regulate the sleep cycle and improve insomnia.

Another scientific study shows that the melatonin content of grapes is higher after winemaking, which is more conducive to sleep. So, if you're looking for a glass of wine to calm your mood tonight, choose wine!

2. Red jujubes

The calming effects of red jujubes have been confirmed by the Institute of Medicine. The flavonoids (flavonoid-bis-glucoside A) contained in red jujubes have sedative, hypnotic and blood pressure lowering effects. One isolated substance from flavonoids even has an inhibitory effect on the central nervous system. Therefore, jujube has a soothing and calming effect. You can use red jujubes with other ingredients to make a delicious dinner, or use them as a small snack for easy daily consumption.

3. Bananas

Bananas are rich in vitamin B6, the mineral magnesium and amino acids. Vitamin B6 protects people against depression. The mineral magnesium is help fighting tension. and amino acids is essential for human body. These substances together form the main raw material for the body to produce serotonin. Bananas also contain more than 20% sugar, which can effectively improve sleepiness. If you also suffer from insomnia, feel free to eat a banana a day. It can help you relax your body, go out of the depression and go to sleep in a good mood.

4. Apple

Apples are rich in pectin, protein, quinic acid, citric acid, carotene, vitamin B group, vitamin C, potassium, zinc, iron, phosphorus and other elements. In addition, the aromatic components in apples contain 92% alcohols and 6% carbonyl compounds. The rich aroma of apple has a strong calming effect on people's nerves and can promote sleep. If you don't like eating apples, you can also keep some apples in the bedroom. The fragrant scent of apples calms the nerves of the brain, and help you fall asleep as soon as possible.

5. Kiwi

Kiwi is rich in magnesium and vitamin C, which contribute to the formation and transmission of neurotransmitters. It is also rich in calcium, which is rare in other fruits. Its nutritional value is particularly rich! Eating kiwi has a mood-stabilizing and calming effect on the sympathetic nervous system. Eating kiwi can not only supplement calcium, but also stabilize mood. Two kiwis a day can effectively improve sleep quality.

18th Nov, 2022