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The benefits and contraindications of mint

Mint has high medicinal value and is one of the traditional Chinese medicines. It can be used with tea or as a tea drink. Drinking mint tea can also maintain good health. Mint tastes best and works better when brewed in boiling water. Mint mainly contains menthol and menthone. These components are all volatile substances. Boiling water can not only preserve mint’s coolness, but also make it dissolve better. Boiled water with mint has a refreshing feeling and is a good drink. Mint has many benefits and some contraindications.


1. Relieve the heat

The leaves and stems of mint are used as medicine. It has the functions of eliminating heat, dispersing wind and reducing swelling, soothing the throat and relieving pain.

People use mint to lower their body temperature. Because mint can stimulate the central nervous system. It dilates the capillaries and allows them to dissipate heat as quickly as possible. It also stimulates the sweat glands to secrete sweat. Therefore, people can significantly lower their body temperature after eating mint.

2. Increase appetite and promote digestion

Mint has the effect of increasing appetite and promoting digestion. Mint leaves have a heat sensation and stimulating effect on the oral mucosa. It is good for relieving stomach cramps. It can also assist with hiccups and cramping stomach pains.

On a hot summer day, make a "cold soup" with mint. Not only to quench your thirst, but also to relieve the heat. You can give it a try.

3. Anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving

A large number of medicines have been researched by contemporary scientists. They found that mint stopped the growth of blood vessels in cancer lesions. As a result, cancer tumors are no longer supplied with blood and eventually starve to death.

The anti-inflammatory effect of mint is particularly pronounced. Its various components can enhance the body's own anti-inflammatory ability when absorbed. Mint can promote the production of antibodies. This prevents the growth of inflammation in the body. In addition, timely intake of mint can significantly relieve symptoms, such as sore throat and other pain.

People use mint to maintain respiratory health. Because it not only eliminates inflammation in the respiratory tract, but also clears the attached mucus. It has a certain relief effect on asthma and can keep breathing in a normal and smooth state.

4. Anti-mosquito and anti-itch

Summer is the season with more mosquitoes. Place a few mint plants near the window in your bedroom. Spray some water every day before going to bed to let the mint fragrance fully come out. Those mosquitoes will run away. If you are accidentally bitten by a mosquito, you can use mint juice to relieve itching. After using it, you will feel cool and comfortable.

Mint contains menthol. Menthol can stimulate the nerve endings in the skin. It produces a cooling sensation followed by a slight burning sensation. Then it slowly penetrates the skin and takes effect.


1. Pregnant women should not eat too much mint. Because mint has the effect of inhibiting the production of breast milk. Women who are breastfeeding should not use it too much.

2. It should also be used with caution in patients with lung deficiency, cough, fever, sweating, and dizziness.

3. Mint has a refreshing effect, so it should not be used too much at night.

August 3, 2022

Share a Healthy Lifestyle with Better Sleep.

The benefits and contraindications of mint

Mint has high medicinal value and is one of the traditional Chinese medicines. It can be used with tea or as a tea drink. Drinking mint tea can also maintain good health. Mint tastes best and works better when brewed in boiling water. Mint mainly contains menthol and menthone. These components are all volatile substances. Boiling water can not only preserve mint’s coolness, but also make it dissolve better. Boiled water with mint has a refreshing feeling and is a good drink. Mint has many benefits and some contraindications.


1. Relieve the heat

The leaves and stems of mint are used as medicine. It has the functions of eliminating heat, dispersing wind and reducing swelling, soothing the throat and relieving pain.

People use mint to lower their body temperature. Because mint can stimulate the central nervous system. It dilates the capillaries and allows them to dissipate heat as quickly as possible. It also stimulates the sweat glands to secrete sweat. Therefore, people can significantly lower their body temperature after eating mint.

2. Increase appetite and promote digestion

Mint has the effect of increasing appetite and promoting digestion. Mint leaves have a heat sensation and stimulating effect on the oral mucosa. It is good for relieving stomach cramps. It can also assist with hiccups and cramping stomach pains.

On a hot summer day, make a "cold soup" with mint. Not only to quench your thirst, but also to relieve the heat. You can give it a try.

3. Anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving

A large number of medicines have been researched by contemporary scientists. They found that mint stopped the growth of blood vessels in cancer lesions. As a result, cancer tumors are no longer supplied with blood and eventually starve to death.

The anti-inflammatory effect of mint is particularly pronounced. Its various components can enhance the body's own anti-inflammatory ability when absorbed. Mint can promote the production of antibodies. This prevents the growth of inflammation in the body. In addition, timely intake of mint can significantly relieve symptoms, such as sore throat and other pain.

People use mint to maintain respiratory health. Because it not only eliminates inflammation in the respiratory tract, but also clears the attached mucus. It has a certain relief effect on asthma and can keep breathing in a normal and smooth state.

4. Anti-mosquito and anti-itch

Summer is the season with more mosquitoes. Place a few mint plants near the window in your bedroom. Spray some water every day before going to bed to let the mint fragrance fully come out. Those mosquitoes will run away. If you are accidentally bitten by a mosquito, you can use mint juice to relieve itching. After using it, you will feel cool and comfortable.

Mint contains menthol. Menthol can stimulate the nerve endings in the skin. It produces a cooling sensation followed by a slight burning sensation. Then it slowly penetrates the skin and takes effect.


1. Pregnant women should not eat too much mint. Because mint has the effect of inhibiting the production of breast milk. Women who are breastfeeding should not use it too much.

2. It should also be used with caution in patients with lung deficiency, cough, fever, sweating, and dizziness.

3. Mint has a refreshing effect, so it should not be used too much at night.

August 3, 2022